Facility description

The 4-star Crowne Plaza Hotel & Resorts in Verona is just 5 minutes from the historic centre. Easy to reach, the property is located 12 km from Valerio Catullo International Airport, 3 km from Verona Porta Nuova railway station and only 1.5 km from the Verona Fiere Congress Centre. Bright and furnished in a contemporary style, the rooms offer comfort and excellent services. While the panoramic swimming pool and the fitness area make the experience memorable, immersed in a comfortable and finely furnished environment. In the morning, guests are greeted by a selected and abundant breakfast buffet, with strong traditional notes that leave room for the most famous international customs. Furthermore, the Plaza Restaurant offers a range of young and fresh dishes, strongly anchored to the territory and to the seasonality of the raw materials: a Mediterranean cuisine revisited in a modern key. Finally, large meeting areas are available for events of all types

Room availability

Single 5
Double 145
Triple 9

Price range

180,00 220,00 

Facility position

Clear dates